Sunday, July 19, 2009


In 2007 I did a hardcore fanzine called DA/DM. 

I embellshitted my personality and called myself "Amphetamine Addiction". He was an 18 year old anorexic runaway, returned home w/ a taste for weird noise and R. Meltzer. At least half of the writing were pure teenage fantasy, and at least half the writing is ridiculous ("...I was arched into misshapen hemitry, a shadow cast in a dank room, rocking and moaning in a sick broth of disease and outward depression...cosmically electrocuted" et al). The aim of this zine was to destroy people's heads when they read it, being packed so thoroughly with large, weird words and paragraph long sentences that it was an actual effort to read. It bummed some people out.

Tonight I found 30 some copies of this mag in my room. I am selling them for $2 each post paid. 

AMPHETAMINE ADDICTION will return in issue #4 of NEGATIVE GUEST LIST, interviewing the Noisy NY hardcore act, NO FUCKER.

He will join a roster of talented writers that has now grown to include; Rhys Davies, Monty Buckles, Fleece Reynolds, Sam Vince and more.

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